

As with any organization we need funding to maintain our facilities. Timely payment of dues is important to help insure that we have funds available to pay our bills and staff. Please recognize that B’nai Shalom will work with you and offer you different payment options that best works for your financial situation. We accept payment in check or major credit card online.

General billing information for incoming members:

B’nai Shalom’s fiscal year begins June 1st

Membership dues :

  • $1300 for a Family + $100 building fee

  • $900 for a single + $100 building fee

  • $378 for B’nai Mitzvah Classes

  • $324 for Alef thru Hay for students

Please Note: Hardship accommodations are available. At Temple, we will never turn you away. If you are interested in joining our family please complete a membership form and send it to We look forward to having you join our congregation!

Would you like to register a new student for Hebrew School?